Engineer diploma
CPE Lyon is a Grande Ecole in the French Higher Education system. It is a private institution with the status of a nonprofit organisation.
In France, the qualification “graduate engineer” is an indication of a long course, usually 5 years.
Qualification “graduate engineer” provided by a higher education establishment that has been accredited by the authorising body within the French Ministry of Higher Education: the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur (CTI), which came into being through the law of 10 July 1934.
CTI accreditation is renewed every 6 years and proves that the school’s programmes and education are up to standard required for awarding engineer diplomas.
Source: Centre d’Etudes sur les Formations d’Ingénieur (CEFI) [Prospective committee about engineer education]
French Ministry of Higher Education website
The strenghts of CPE Lyon courses:
- High standard non specialized basic modules with specialization later in the course,
- Highly international,
- A strong focus on industry and the entrepreneurial spirit,
- Values: inter-personal skills, respect for the environment.
CPE Lyon graduate engineer diploma is awarded to students who have met the following conditions:
- Successfully completed 5 academic semesters and all the obligatory placements or projects in industry.
- Passed either an English B2 level certificate in the “Common European Framework of Reference”, or level B1 for students in continuing education
More information about language teaching at CPE Lyon
The CPE Lyon engineer diploma is accompanied by a descriptive annexe: the diploma supplement. The diploma supplement is issued in French and in English and is given automatically and free of charge to every student upon graduation.
Semesters and the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
The harmonisation programme established by the European Union is also called the “Bologna Process” or the “BMD Reform” [the “LMD réforme” in France].
The objective of this major project is to facilitate the interpretation and comparison of course programmes in different European countries by structuring them in the same way and consequently promoting student mobility.
Main features:
- The “BMD” (Bachelor – Master – Doctorate): an architecture for qualifications that are now coordinated around 3 grades
- Bachelor (B), given for BAC+3
- Master (M), given for BAC+5
- Doctorate (D), given for BAC+8
- Study years are split into semesters.
- Each course module corresponds to a certain number of ECTS credits depending on the student’s workload, practical work, directed personal studies, projects, individual studies and learning objectives.
- The diploma is accompanied by a diploma supplement (a descriptive annexe).
For some years CPE Lyon has been fully aligned on these European recommendations.
CPE Lyon issues an intermediate certificate at the end of year 3, the “CPE Lyon Bachelor”, which is also accompanied by a descriptive annexe.